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15769151? ago

Crying about it on the internet won't get that holy war done.

15772202? ago

SBBH users don't like anon subs because of the trolling. The irony! 99% of the comments in that post criticising anon subs were SBBHers.

15774193? ago

One time SBBH'r said if I sent him ten shekels he would send me twenty back although he didn't say twenty of what so he sent me twenty dildo's which worked out for me because I sold dildo's at flea market and made 90 shekel on deal. The other sellers at flea market didn't like but fuck those goys!

15787027? ago

Who are the most voracious shills on voat?

15799076? ago

What do you mean? I'm a sandnigger apologist &/or supporter?

15856348? ago

THe fuck are you little anon bitches whining about this time?

Kill yourselves.


15838157? ago

My name being there must be a typo, right?

16444962? ago

explain this @RvBMan @Octoclops @admoae the anon sub ? @Itty-bitty_Tity-trap @Snarkfest soap box maybe !

16452385? ago

Octoclops here. I dunno what the fuck yall are talking about. I despise Islam if you're curious. If you don't like Muslims inane babble on this site then just argue with them. They're morons, it's not hard.

15851364? ago

@CameraCode who? look at these faggot sandrat islamo apologists @sosat_menya_reddit @goytoynamedtroy ! @XSS1337 @StoneAgeTribeman is goytoynamedtroy a paki turk ?