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15769151? ago

Crying about it on the internet won't get that holy war done.

15772202? ago

SBBH users don't like anon subs because of the trolling. The irony! 99% of the comments in that post criticising anon subs were SBBHers.

15774193? ago

One time SBBH'r said if I sent him ten shekels he would send me twenty back although he didn't say twenty of what so he sent me twenty dildo's which worked out for me because I sold dildo's at flea market and made 90 shekel on deal. The other sellers at flea market didn't like but fuck those goys!

16654735? ago

yeah @Musaab is an inbred terrorist supporter

16694363? ago

the ragheads are on the attack @Diogenes_The_Cynic ?

15791568? ago

you write ? Why is Overpopulation Ignored by the Media? The Reasons of a Historical Failure

15787027? ago

Who are the most voracious shills on voat?

15799076? ago

What do you mean? I'm a sandnigger apologist &/or supporter?

15856348? ago

THe fuck are you little anon bitches whining about this time?

Kill yourselves.


15838157? ago

My name being there must be a typo, right?

16444962? ago

explain this @RvBMan @Octoclops @admoae the anon sub ? @Itty-bitty_Tity-trap @Snarkfest soap box maybe !

16452385? ago

Octoclops here. I dunno what the fuck yall are talking about. I despise Islam if you're curious. If you don't like Muslims inane babble on this site then just argue with them. They're morons, it's not hard.

15851364? ago

@CameraCode who? look at these faggot sandrat islamo apologists @sosat_menya_reddit @goytoynamedtroy ! @XSS1337 @StoneAgeTribeman is goytoynamedtroy a paki turk ?